Saturday, November 15, 2008

Raj Belongs to Whom

I was going through the news channels and wondering about the recent developments taking place in the Maharashtra politics, "Raj surrenders in Mumbai court" was one of the hot topics of today. Being glued to the TV channels to see what the out come of the court proceedings would be, will the court judgment be in favour of Raj or will it not be, will the MNS people be again on roads threatening the North Indians and destroying the public properties, will there be one more incident of Rahul Raj taking place , will the houses and shops be set on fire . These were some of the questions in the back of everyones mind.
The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (English Translation: Maharashtra Reconstruction Army) is a regional political party formed in March 2006 lead by Mr. Raj Thackeray. When it was formed everyone , yes everyone the young and the old , the Maharashtrains and Non Maharashtrains had lot of expectations from the party and from Mr Raj. Every individual was egar to see what changes can Mr Raj bring with his party for the people living in this state. But as days and years have gone by Mr Raj has disaapointed the common man, when I look back and see what has Mr Raj given to Maharashtra, His priciples and ideaolgies are just in the intrest of his so called Maharashtrains . When we look back to the days of his parties existence we can make out the hatered created by him , In February 2008 MNS workers attacked vendors and shopkeepers from North India in various parts of Maharashtra, and destroyed government property to vent their anger against the reported move to arrest of Raj. In February 2008, Raj Thackarey's speech on the issue of uncontrolled migration into Mumbai from other parts of India created a well publicized controversy .In October 2008, MNS activists beat up North Indian candidates appearing for the all-India Railway Recruitment Board entrance exam for the Western region in Mumbai. One bihari died in the ensuing rioting.
He is dividing India , he is creating hatred for Maharashtrains all over India. I believe he is doing nothing good for Maharashtras development and its people , one such incident is Infosys Technologies announcing that 3,000 employee positions had been shifted from Pune due to construction delays caused earlier that year by MNS attacks on North Indian construction workers in Maharashtra. Mr Raj your existence is because of the common man, you have never considered there views , there needs , there real problem. We the common man need a RAJ or rule in the state for the people, by the people and of the people.

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